Sunday, March 25, 2012

Things I Hate: Noisy Birds and Movie Talkers

There is a bird's nest on the top our air conditioner, so every morning around 5 I wake up to chirping. I hate it. I am not Thoreau, and I do not feel like I'm one with nature. I feel inconvenienced for leaving my window open. Like I'm being punished for saving electricity and enjoying the crisp night air.

What are they talking about anyway? Are they discussing their plans for the day in great detail? Assigning their daily duties?

"Barry, you get breakfast. Joney, you're on lunch. That leaves dinner for you, Sam. And I want dessert! Make it good. We're all counting on you." And that's when a fight breaks out, because Joney is sick of being bossed around by Lou.

These thoughts are probably why it takes me FOREVER to fall back asleep after slamming the window shut in hopes to scare them away for a bit.

Secondly, Mike and I went to see Hunger Games on Friday. Good movie. Loud neighbors. They wouldn't shut up despite the numerous sharp head-turning glares I sent their way. I kept wanting to say something to them, but then I got nervous they'd say something really clever back, and I wouldn't have a comeback and I'd look like a fool. This has been a problem for me since like middle school. It's a shame, really. They would comment as the movie unfolded. Things like, "Oh, what's she doing now? ...Oh! That's right, yada yada yada." And other times it'd be telling the other about earlier that day when so and so did such and such. They'd carry out a full conversation and laugh, saying "And I told him no, it's exactly the opposite! EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE!" Hardee har har. And she slurped her soda. 

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