Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Scaredy Cat Syndrome (SCS)

As many of my friends know, I'm a jumpy person. I startle too easily. I'm the person who jumps when the toaster pops. I have an anxiety attack anytime I need to open a tube of Pillsbury biscuits, because I know that at any moment it's going to explode. General Mills should really invest in a new opening system for those... Just sayin'.

I'm probably going to have a heart attack by the time I'm 30 because I am incapable of relaxing. I've read mixed things online about this jumpy behavior correlating with stress, so who knows. I saw someone ask how to control this problem on an online forum, and someone suggested to have people scare him on purpose all the time so he gets used to it. I don't think this will work. Two of my old roommates attempted this (not because they wanted to condition me, but because they were entertained), and it just made me more skiddish. 

My grandma was a little jumpy, so perhaps it's hereditary; although, I believe I've taken it to an all new level of ridiculousness. I know I live with Michael. I know he's home at the same time I am. But if he suddenly decides to walk past me without subtly letting me know, I jump 10 feet into the air! I have even been known to freak out over a dark shadow that looks like a person/bear/dog/cat just standing there. Sometimes I don't jump or show physical signs of anguish, but I still get that shock of adrenaline (followed by a minor hot flash).

It's really getting out of hand, so I searched for daily relaxation tips hoping to find some wonderful ideas, but  found nothing of use. Examples included take a bath, aromatherapy, read a book, listen to music, meditate and don't worry about time. Maybe I'm just too cynical, but I feel as though that's not going to help reverse 24 (almost 25) years of Scaredy Cat Syndrome.

Here's hoping I can learn to go with the flow and be less high-strung...

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