Sunday, January 1, 2012

Le Sigh: Bad karma as a result of gift gifting.

Have you ever given a gift to a little kid that you know will make them delighted, but drive their parents nuts? Well, I now know what it's like to be the parent of the child who receives a drum set for Christmas. No, I don't have children, but I do have my fiancé, Michael...

This year for Christmas I gave my 3-year-old sister, Claire, a rather large princess castle tent that my dad wasn't too pleased with, since the TV and/or all pathways are blocked by its presence. I'm sure I've given just as obnoxious gifts to my brothers over the years, but this year Dad got me back--and he doesn't even know it!

Last year my brothers received remote controlled helicopters as gifts, and Michael was having a blast flying them around. So, this year my dad felt it necessary to give him one. I laughed, thinking it was funny he remembered the good time Mike had with them... Until I got home. It has this loud, constant hum when in flight that drives me up the wall. I tolerate it for as long as I can by closing the doors, turning up the TV and trying to focus on anything else, but all I hear is that damn hum. Of course I'm just the fun-hater, not wanting him to enjoy his toy!

I finally found bubble bath, and was so excited to sit in the tub and relax. But, as soon as I settled in, Michael started flying his helicopter! I called out, pleading with him to hold off until after my bath. But could he? No. His solution? He opened the bathroom door, stuck his hand around the corner and flipped the switch that controls the LOUD exhaust fan. Are you kidding me?! So I couldn't relax in my bubble bath that I've been craving for years, because I now had two obnoxious noises driving me crazy. How unfair is this?

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