Friday, January 20, 2012

I Wish

The other morning I caught myself thinking "I wish" a lot.

I wish it wasn't snowing.
I wish there was coffee already made.
I wish I was skinnier.
I wish my eyes were blue.
I wish these pants had pockets.
I wish Mike didn't have every light in the apartment on. (Well, this one is kind of legit... I have no idea why all the lamps were glowing brightly. Totally unnecessary.)

That morning I didn't think I looked like anything special. My hair was especially flat and limp, my complexion--nothing to write home about and my outfit is my usual work attire. But when I stopped into a co-worker's cube, she told me I looked pretty. She is someone who I have always think of as gorgeous, so it meant a lot that she said that to me, and it really boosted my confidence!

After work I had a hair appointment. I went short. Not like Emma Watson short, but shoulder length short (about five inches were chopped off). This may look like nothing on a ruler, but oh boy! Big change! Back in college I was all about cutting, coloring and styling my hair every which way. I never worried about it; I knew it'd grow back. This hair cut was a huge decision for me, though! I was asking Michael every five minutes if I should really cut it! I really wanted my long hair, but it was so lifeless and spit-endy! The whole reason I wanted long hair was to play with it and style it, but I never did. So my new goal is to care about my hair. Not just straighten it every morning, but to actually style it somehow. Even if it's just some simple volume. I think Stacy and Clinton are right--look good, feel good. I'm going to do my best to gain some confidence! Instead of thinking "I wish," I hope to be happy with what I do have, because I really do have a lot to be thankful for! A few examples include: a loving fiancee, wonderful family (minus Lil--what a bitch) and friends, a pretty apartment, a savings account and a job!

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