Monday, January 2, 2012

Celebrity Slimdowns

I turned on the TV today, and E! was playing a special called Celebrity Slimdowns. I decided to keep watching it, and it really made me feel a lot better about my weight. How impressionable am I?!

It was nice to know that skinny famous people have had to loosen their belts at least once in their lives. To know that they felt what it's like to battle the bulge(s), and how it makes you feel like dirt. Of course none of them have real jobs with real schedules, and had all the time in the world to work out with their expensive personal trainers and dieticians. But, it has motivated me to continue to watch what I eat, and work out if I can. All it takes is some hard work and portion control (and patience). It's not hard. It's not hard. It's not hard. It's doable. It's doable. It's doable.

Hopefully I'll still have this fire lit tomorrow when I'm not working, and can actually go to the YMCA for a good workout. If history has taught me anything, it's that it's not likely. I always manage to crave some cardio when I'm unable to do it! Maybe it's subconscious, so that I can use the "I never have time to work out" excuse.

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