Tuesday, December 13, 2011

When You Just Want to Have a Bad Day...

Ya know those days where you just feel lousy, and a few things go wrong and you just want to have a bad day? When you just want to be sad, and cry, and throw tantrums because your phone isn't linking up that one contact to your Facebook account, or because your cookies didn't turn out, or you burned your hand on the stove making dinner? That's my today.

It started out well, with the on-time delivery of my replacement phone. After that, I wanted to go visit Grandma at the cemetery, but her area is under construction, and I couldn't. What cemeteries require construction?! I was so upset that I couldn't go sit on the cold cement and tell her about my future job woes. I know that it would help me. That's really what's bothering me today. I keep feeling overwhelmed with thoughts of unemployment. I teared up when I pulled into the doctor's for my appointment and wondered how I was going to pay for the visit, and my prescriptions. It's so unnerving. Mike does a good job at staying positive about my future, and it helps knowing someone has hope that an employer will want me.

When Mike got home, he tried to cheer me up, but I just want to be sad. And I really want him to do the dishes. Like, really badly. 

I know tomorrow will be better. Hopefully.

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