Monday, December 12, 2011

Glasses & Phone Update

They were able to cancel my order on my glasses! I'm really happy! Except, now, I'm paying more for these other ones... But I feel so much better! Maybe I'll sport my glasses more now when I'm uber tired. Does anyone else find it extra hard to keep your eyes open when you're wearing contacts while being super sleepy? Switching from contacts to glasses is like an energy burst for me!

As for my phone, it's still under warranty (until Dec. 24), so thank God! My new one will be here tomorrow (over-night delivery). Granted, I could have no reception again in one day, one week, one month, one year... or never. But, hey, it's free!
I feel 10X better about life because I was able to get the glasses I want, and a replacement phone. Ahh... it's the little material things in life that really keep ya going...

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