Thursday, April 25, 2013

40 Pounds Down

My weight loss journey has been a long one. I've been on and off dieting for about a year now, and am glad to say I finally reached 40 pounds lost! Whew!

After I lost 20 pounds, I really stalled out. Counting my calories with My Fitness Pal became super hard because Mike was not interested in changing his eating habits. So for about six months I just stopped watching what I ate. I went back to eating greasy, fried food and DQ Blizzards. But this year, Mike's New Year's Resolution was to lose weight. And that really jump started it again for me.
I am starting to finally see the change, and can't believe I carried around all that extra weight before. I'm so glad that Mike and I took charge of our weight. It's SO great to know that my weight will be controlled when my wedding comes in 2014. I really didn't want it to sneak up on me. Now when I hear that there are over 400 calories in a SMALL potato ole from Taco Johns, my jaw drops. I can't even imagine how many calories I consumed daily. Yes, we splurge on junk food here and there (you gotta!), but it really is a special treat now.

Mike is looking good too! He has lost like 30 pounds. We both have 10 more we'd like to lose, so hopefully we'll be able to pull that off! I know Mike will--he is a jogger. I only walk the dogs. Walk. Not run.

Below are some photos that highlight the weight loss. I know the recent picture I have isn't all too showy, since I'm sitting down, but you can still notice a difference! I have three big Maurices bags stuffed with clothes for a future rummage sale! Looks like I better get shopping--my closet is empty!

October 2011
May 2012
Easter 2013


  1. Wow, congratulations! Something to be proud of, my friend!

  2. Thanks! It took me long enough! Lol. Better late than never, I suppose.
