Friday, February 1, 2013

Puppy #2

We recently adopted yet another animal into our family! Please welcome Beretta, a 6-month-old Coonhound mix. At N.E.W. PAWSibilities, she was known as Zoe, but we needed to changed that!  Her and Caliber have been getting along well. We took Caliber to the shelter for us when we began our short search for dog number two. We originally wanted to wait to get a second dog until after our wedding in 2014, so what made us change our minds?

Mike and I were headed out to Wal-Mart on a Sunday afternoon to get a new vacuum to keep up with Caliber's shedding. (And can I just tell you that the Dyson DC24 Animal is the most amazing thing ever? It makes Michael like to clean! I can't believe how much it picks up, not to mention how much our old vacuum was missing! We had to empty the container THREE times just to do our small living room and bedroom, and that's AFTER we already vacuumed with the old one!) As we pulled out of the driveway, we saw Caliber's cute little face peeking out our front picture window. I told him when I see him watching me leave, it breaks my heart. So Mike said, "Maybe we should get him a dog." I was SO excited. I mean, why wait? So Sunday night we looked at shelters online, and on Monday evening we were walking into N.E.W. PAWSibilities with Caliber to find his new sibling. Mike and I decided we wanted a 2-year-old dog so they were calmer, more mature. We also didn't want any type of hound dog, because they're known for barking.

N.E.W. PAWSibilities was our first stop, and the dogs I liked online weren't really fitting to our energy levels. When we met "Zoe", a 6-month-old Coonhound mix, she and Caliber demonstrated good chemistry and we couldn't get over her beautiful brindle coat. For only being six months, she is extremely calm. She was everything we weren't looking for (a hound dog and  a puppy), so we decided to adopt her! She is the sweetest little girl, though. A big cuddle bug who looks like an Oreo Blizzard. When she sees you come home, or wake up in the morning, she wags her tail so fast her butt can't keep up. So I sing "wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle" to her.


We've had her for a eight days so far, and she's really come out of her shell. She's still submissive, but has become playful. Her and Caliber rough house a little too much, but it's getting better. They're working on learning to share toys (mostly Caliber). They can get very, very loud. Beretta has this wonderful piercing whine, and Caliber has a constant, deep bark. And when their teeth clank together, it's probably one of the worst sounds on the planet. Next to snoring. God, I really HATE snoring. How I fell in love with a mouth-breather, I'll never know.

Adjusting to having two dogs hasn't been too difficult. More water slop on the floors to dodge, but overall it seems pretty easy. The hardest part is breaking up the rough housing when it gets too rough. It's typically stemmed from Caliber NEEDING the toy Beretta has. Poor Beretta.

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