Wednesday, January 9, 2013

You Know You Own Your Car When...

Today was not just an ordinary day. Today I felt like an adult. Why? Because I encountered adult problems.

My day started out normal enough. I was pretty bummed that Mike's half day was cancelled, so I would need to come home for lunch to let Caliber out. I always lose my spot when I return and need to park a mile away. Yesterday I actually wandered around two rows before I bumped into my car by chance.

As I pulled into the parking lot at work I noticed a premo spot! There was a vehicle ahead of me in line and I thought "shoot, they're gonna take my spot!" Well they didn't! And thank God, because as I turned around the horse-shoe curve the car's engine light, battery light and oil light came on. I couldn't accelerate, and as I coasted down the aisle I prayed I would at least make it to the open spot. I was so elated when I made it. Then I realized my car also had no power steering, but luckily my arms aren't as weak as I thought, and I made it.

After the initial shock of my car dying wore off, I texted Mike. He had me try to restart my car and hold the gas pedal down at the same time, but that didn't work. After panicking about not knowing what to do, I decided to find out if Bergstrom had a mechanic shop in town.

Bergstrom Body Shop was great to work with when I had my car in for a new door (after my neighbor backed into the old one), so I called the 800 number on their website for help. They gave me a number of their recommended towing company, who I called next. The guy on the phone, while nice, wasn't really explaining things to me. He didn't even ask for my license plate number, so I made sure to let him know. After we hung up I wondered how Bergstrom would get into my car if I had the key, and was told I don't need to be there when the car is picked up... So I called the tow truck company back to tell him I'd put the spare key in the glove box. The man seemed grateful.

When Bergstrom called to tell me my car arrived, I asked for someone to pick me up and take me home. This short ride with an elderly driver was an adventure in itself. I got into the car and we were making chit chat about my employment when all of a sudden the car phone spoke "Please hang up, or press star for more options." Turns out he left me a REALLY long voicemail. We moved on to the weather, and I mentioned it's supposed to rain later this week. He told me that since he just got his car washed, he'll have to take his other car to the bar this weekend so he can stay out later. That way, if it rains, it won't dirty his recently washed vehicle.

When he made a turn away from my house, I asked him where we were going. He said, "The dealership." I was so confused. I thought he knew my home address from the guy that arranged the pick-up, but no that's not the case. Good thing I only live a few blocks away from the dealership, so it wasn't too far out of his way. My street name is both a Court and an Avenue, but they are not near each other. And even though I told the driver that I live on the Ave, and explained where it was, he tried to take me to the Court. Good grief.

When I got home, Caliber greeted me at the door (of course), and I noticed his black nose was now white, so I asked him why. When I turned to put my coat in the closet, my question was answered. He clawed and chewed my wall. Come on! The majority of my hours are worked from home, but this week I was in the office Monday-Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. He is just not used to being alone THAT much, so he did it out of anxiety/boredom. I can't blame him, but I'd really rather he just pee all over or something that I don't need to paint. He also chewed some holes in Mike's gloves he left out. The other day Caliber also got a hold of Mike's hat he left out. I really hope Mike sees the pattern and uses this as a learning experience.

As you can see, I'll need get the paint and brushes out of storage.
While I don't want my car to ever have problems, I do prefer that it chose to die in my works' parking lot than on the highway. I am actually really relieved it happened the way it did. It turns out that I didn't even need to go into the office today; I could've worked the whole shift from home! But if I didn't miss the text telling me that, the next time I would've been driving my car would be tomorrow on the highway by myself. No thanks!

I was keeping my sense of humor about all of this crazy until the mechanic called to update me. My timing belt broke, and they need to order a new one along with a tensioner (whatever that is). Apparently these things are expensive, because my bill (as of right now) is $615. Once they disassemble it to swap out the parts, they'll be able to tell me if anything else is wrong with it. Can't wait!

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