Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Resolutions To Consider

In light of New Year's, I'd like to share a list of resolutions I SHOULD make, but will not:

  • Exercise
  • Stop nagging Michael about various things (IE: stop playing your stupid video game, do the dishes, clean the stove, chew with your mouth closed, stop snoring...)
  • Become a better cook (I prefer baking)
  • Reeeelaaaaax
  • Put money into savings
  • Shop less
  • Read more novels! (I used to read for leisure... Now I watch TV--even when nothing is on)
  • Develop a more adventurous pallet (I never try new foods)
So what will I be doing in 2013 if I'm not doing the things I should?  Michael and I have decided to eat out/order in less, cook with more fresh foods and watch our portions. 

Looking back at 2012, it really has been a magnificent year for me. We bought the house, got the pup, adopted the kitten, I lost 20 pounds and have kept it off, I paid off my car and I opened my Etsy shop (www.etsy.com/shop/markitmiscellaneous). Hooray! 

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