Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hot and Humid

It is very hot and humid here today! While taking the dogs for a walk, I through my hair up in a pony tail and was reminded of my reinvention poem I wrote a few years back. So, I thought I'd share it with you here.

Stretching for Uses
A thin beige circle of rubber,
speckled with grey smudges.
Flexible and ambiguous
it can morph into any shape.

Lost in the junk drawer’s black hole,
But it’s a celebrity in the office, 
offering a chorus of claps, snaps and boings.
A free bracelet.

A bully’s sling shot or
a mischievous catapult in the classroom,
launching ammo
at unsuspecting victims.

After a Thanksgiving feast,
let it loop through your button hole,
and reach for the prize.
Bring on dessert.

Clutching the bananas,
grasping the newspaper,
uniting the pencils. 

When your shoelace breaks,
when Grandma locks the kitchen cabinets,
when a mother pulls her hair up in the relentless August heat,
when a Band-Aid isn’t available,
the rubber band is re-invented.

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