Sunday, August 11, 2013

New Beginnings

I AM NO LONGER A TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE! I am so excited to have accepted a job offer as a Marketing Assistant for a local paper converter. I am now real, and it feels AMAZING. To know that I am a valued member of a workforce really means a lot to me, and I haven't even had my first day yet!

Being a temporary employee really affects more aspects of your life than people realize, at least for me it did... For almost three years I was working as a temp at a major paper manufacturer, and it's lead me to great opportunities, but I never felt like part of the team. I would listen to the VP talk at conferences, get motivated, then realize he isn't talking to ME, but to all the real employees around me. It was really discouraging. I was unable to get a personal loan for a vacation to Mexico, and the banks couldn't count my income for our mortgage, so the houses we knew we could afford we couldn't get approved for. I always knew that more than likely I would be let go first in the event budgets were cut, since I was just a temp. I did not have insurance, vacation days, I worked holidays, nights and weekends. Yuck! It was just awful watching Mike run free on the weekends, while I was stuck by my computer. I missed family time and doggy dates working. And for what? I wasn't invested into the company in the slightest. 

When I was first recruited to work as a temp I did not understand what temporary meant. I thought these agencies recruited employees for companies and then the employee worked FOR the company. It wasn't until I was signing paperwork that I realized I was wrong. I was also lead to believe (because it's what I was verbally told) that I would be hired on within six to eight months of my employment. Nope. I wasn't even working as the title I was under the impression I was hired for. Neither were the other five people I met, who were all hired on at the same time as me with all the same impressions.

I can understand that companies may use temps for small projects, side jobs, etc, and that totally makes sense. Someone working through college, or in between jobs, or a stay-at-home mom that wants some extra cash... There are many reasons to use temporary employees, but I believe the operative word here is TEMPORARY. To me, "temporary" does not mean three years. If you have not let these temps go within that amount of time, I think it's safe to say their work is justified and needed.

Well, that's the end of my rant about my woes of being a temp. On to new, better and permanent things! 


  1. As someone who has spent the last two years and then some in the same boat, this post couldn't have hit closer to home. I'm so excited for you in your new adventures and hope you absolutely love it!

  2. Thanks, Monica! Sorry for such a delayed response, but so far I still love my new job! I wish nothing but the best for all of you still in that boat! Being a temp has really provided me with a whole new appreciation for real jobs.
