Monday, November 19, 2012

Teenage Termoil

Caliber turned six months old on November 12. Since then, he has really been a snot. The next couple months with him are going to be trying, I'm sure. Between six and eight months is what "they" call a dog's "teenage years." He is constantly full of energy, and not that great of a listener (unless you have chicken in your hand). Every walk we take him on, it's like he just discovered he has a nose. He zig zags all over the place, pulling at the end of his leash to get a wonderful whiff of God knows what.

We made it through teething with only losing a few rolls of toilet paper, but now he's just being rebellious. Examples as follows:
  • I took a 10 minute shower and came out to him chewing up my Airwalk slipper shoes. Damnit. Now what inappropriate shoes am I going to wear in the rain and snow, and then complain about my feet being drenched and make Mike mad and say "I told you so"?
  • I let Cal outside and a few moments later when I came back to check on him, he already dug up one of our plants in the backyard. How rude. Now he digs in that hole every time he goes outside. Ah! Save your digging for the dog park, please!
  • While Mike was in the shower this morning, he came out to a chewed and shredded notebook, topped with orange pen shards. He also began chewing on the platter mat for my record player. Le sigh.
  • He has realized he can now sniff the counter tops. He's tall and nosey. Let the counter surfing begin!
  • He chases the cat. OK, OK, he did that before he turned six months... I must say, Kisa is becoming a lot more brave about coming out of her little room. Especially when she's hungry!
Despite all of this, he's still the cutest, silliest, sweetest, most bestest dog ever.


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