Wednesday, October 10, 2012


On my last grocery store visit I accidentally bought Halloween Funfetti cake mix and frosting. Then the next day I accidentally baked it. Then Mike and I impressively only ate one piece each after dinner.

I put my Pyrex glass dish cover over the metal cake pan even though it didn't fit--just to cover it up so any random kitchen debris wouldn't ruin my masterpiece. Apparently I hallucinate pantry tornadoes and fridge hurricanes. As I placed it back in the oven for storage I thought, "Mike is going to turn the oven on and not realize this is in here." But, instead of doing anything about it I just walked away. I didn't even caution Michael.

The next day I had a piece of cake for breakfast (best decision ever), and placed the pan back in the oven. I went about my day and when dinner time was rolling around I decided we were having burgers and fries. A few minutes before Mike came home I preheated the oven so it'd be ready in time.

He walks in the door, greets Caliber and me and then alerts me that the cake pan is in the hot oven. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit.

So here's what I pulled out. If you look closely, you can see the black pot holder melted to the top right corner. It was pretty much unavoidable. Why I even used the damn cover is beyond me. You can tell it doesn't fit. It merely sat on top, doing nothing to keep my cake moist and delicious. Everyone knows there's no kitchen debris in the OVEN where I placed it. Le sigh.

Here's what a frosted cake looks like when you bake it...

The worst part is that I had a fork in the pan from when I ate my breakfast, so that was hard to pull off. I almost had to ask Mike to help, but didn't want him to know about it. Thank God I found some muscle! I couldn't save my Pyrex cover for my dish, but I managed to save my fork. Ya win some, ya lose some.

Once the melted cover cooled, it peeled off the pan pretty easily. The pan itself was in good shape. We thought about eating the cake, but the new texture it acquired stopped me. It was hard but spongey at the same time. And of course, I kept recalling when Fred Mertz baked a seven layer cake, but only presented one flat-as-a-pancake layer because he included them all as one! And the frosting was mixed in there too. Pretty sure his looked better than this.

So a few lessons were learned on this adventure--Next time I think Mike will F something up, say it out loud to help me remember so I'm less likely to F it up. And, don't put baked goods back in the oven. Just give up the counter space for God's sake. I have plenty of room! Good thing I'm not a homemaker full time! 

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