Monday, September 10, 2012

Sock Fight

Today I did Mike's laundry, and it reminded me of a "fight" we had a few months ago. You see, he found a "new" white sock in his clothes pile. He declared it must be mine, because it was too white and new to be his. After I looked at it I said, "Michael, that is not mine--it's huge!" He was too stubborn to realize that maybe (just maybe) this particular sock has been hiding at the back of the drawer for a few months. Disgusted by this "mysterious" sock, he tossed it in the garbage.

So today I snuck into his sock drawer determined to prove myself right. And what did I find? A crisp, white sock to match the one he carelessly threw away. Now this lonely sock will be without it's sole mate (see what I did there?).

He obviously has this style of sock in his "used" sock collection...

Just for laughs, here's a comparison of his athletic sock (bottom) compared to mine (top).

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