Monday, June 18, 2012

No Red Flag

Since our move I have had a hard time with the postal service. Our mail box is attached to our house (the walk-up kind), and it does not have a red flag or ribbon to alert the mail carrier to pick up my mail. I keep getting mail addressed to the previous tenant, and it just sits in my mail box. I feel like I need a flashing pink neon sign that reads, "For the love of God, take my outgoing mail!" Mike and I are going out tonight to find a solution. We're hoping to just find a red flag to screw on to our existing box. My dad has an old red ribbon that someone just taped into their mail box. Where do you get plastic red ribbon? The closest thing I have is a "The choice for me is drug free" red ribbon from God knows when.

Red flag woes aside, there is one other problem I had with the mail. On June 13 a package from Target arrived on my doorstep addressed to the previous tenant of my new home. The mail carrier didn't take the package even though I used a pink Sharpie to write "RTN to sender--not at this adderess". I gave it two days, but there it sat. I brought it in each night in case it rained. So I emailed Target asking if they could arrange UPS or FedEx (whoever their delivery service is) to come take it back since it's not my problem.

They requested multiple numbers and information from the shipping label (because apparently my address and her name were not enough clues). So, I sent them all the information I could gather from the label.

They returned telling me to print a return label and take it to a UPS store, and they are sending me a $5 Target gift card for the inconvenience. I also found out the order was placed on June 8. The previous tenant moved out the first weekend in May, so it's not really my fault she failed to update her address.

I told them I am not wasting any more time, or going out of my way to return this package to a UPS store. So, either they can arrange to have UPS pick it up, or I will drop it off at my local Target when I drive by it later today.

Am I being a total bitch? Maybe, but seriously I don't feel like wasting my ink, time or energy finding a UPS store and returning this girl's purchase just because she didn't bother to change her address. Perhaps this will lead to bad karma? I didn't try to steal it though, and I was dying to know what was inside.

So I dropped off the package at Target later that day. I was explaining the whole situation to the lady at the service desk, when she decided to open the box to find a packing slip. While I didn't think that was necessary, I was happy to find that it was a Mr. Coffee coffee maker. Whew, mystery solved. A little disappointed that it wasn't something super expensive though.

Next thing I know, I am being asked to select a reason for the return on the credit card machine. I said, "I don't want to return it, it's not mine." She exasperatedly replied, "I know, I know, but I cannot get past this part until you select a reason.So just pick one--any one--it doesn't matter" So I randomly chose "Changed my mind". Then I was told that $30 something will be returned to her credit card. I stepped back and said, "No! I do not have authorization to credit her credit card! I don't want to return it for money, I want to give it back to Target, so they can send it back to wherever it came from!" And I walked away.

I really feel like if the lady would have just listened to my explanation fully before jumping into opening the box, it would have gone a lot smoother. The fact that she said "...returned to HER credit card" I know she knew I wasn't the person who ordered it. I just need to make this face: O_o

Although all this was a nuisance, it was not at the fault of Target, so taking the $5 gift card makes me feel really guilty.

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