Thursday, May 17, 2012

Losing Weight

I have become somewhat of a calorie counter, and have lost 12 pounds since I began on March 8. I don't really notice the difference yet, but a few people at work have noticed and said something so that's always great to hear! I think I've lost all my weight in my hand, as I can now fit my engagement ring no my middle finger.

I've been at a standstill for about three weeks now. I don't exercise, which I know would accelerate my weight loss, but I hate working out. I have never enjoyed it. I never feel accomplished afterward. I'm really hoping that being a busy-as-a-bee homeowner and mom-to-be German Shepherd will keep me more active. After all, caring for a big dog like that will FORCE me to, at the very least, get up off the couch and open the door for them to go outside. Of course I plan to be a great mommy and play with him/her and go for walks, all that. Michael and I are also planning on getting a push mower that doesn't have a motor. We have a relatively small yard, so the extra work shouldn't be too exasperating.

To help me keep track of my calories and understand portion control, I downloaded MyFitnessPal, a free smart phone app. They also have a website ( for those who do not have a smart phone, and the two sync up so you can keep track via both. MyFitnessPal provides you with a daily calorie goal to stick to. When I lost 10 pounds, it dropped me a few hundred calories. I didn't think that was a very nice reward :P I don't strictly follow it, but I try. Sometimes you have to guess on the calories if you go out to eat, but quite a few restaurants have the nutrition information on their website. Of course, it's handy to know beforehand! 

Little changes really make a difference. If we grab fast food I try to go to Culvers so I can get mashed potatoes as a side instead of fries, or Subway. Carbs are my biggest weakness. I could never do the South Beach Diet! I do allow myself french fries, and other naughty foods here and there if we're out to eat! I'm sure if I was more disciplined, I'd lose more weight, but I'm not so here I am. Mike and I are in love with Skinny Cow ice cream desserts! If you haven't tried them do so right now! I have the biggest sweet tooth ever, and these really help to curve my need for chocolate, DQ blizzards and cupcakes. Are they as rich and decadent as the real deal? No, but they are really good for only 100 calories, so why not substitute it? I also love the Yoplait Whips Orange--it's the only yogurt I can eat. But, it's like 130 calories and does nothing to fill me up. It's a horrible snack, so to save me the calories I just stopped buying them. I wouldn't have realized what a waste it was without calorie counting. For lunches, I find Lean Cuisine the best for me. Their pizza is great, and so are the pasta dishes. For a frozen TV dinner, they're pretty damn good. You can usually catch a sale at Target, Wal-Mart or Festival which helps! For Mike's lunches I get him Smart Ones and Michelina's Lean ones. We've been eating tilapia more often than before too. It's great for a light meal. Hopefully we'll start buying ground turkey instead of beef as the next step.

The hardest thing for me is when I work until midnight at home. I still get up around 8 a.m., and I tend to get hungry around 9-10 p.m. If I just can't ignore it, I have a bowl of cereal. Ever since I can remember, I am really affected by hunger. I get queasy and lightheaded if I don't eat when my body needs me to. I also get really crabby. Mike told me that when he had his CPR and safety training at work, the teacher told him that woman are more affected by hunger than men. Interesting...

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