Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Some people's families pass down heirlooms, antiques, advice and wisdom, but my mom has given me her bad luck. Ever since I was little, my mother has complained about her down-right bad luck with insurance companies. All of them. They misspell names on the insurance cards, switch my last name for hers, they have poor service and they just plain suck.

I gathered a handful of quotes online for homeowner's insurance, and after comparing them all we settled with Farmer's Insurance. All the agents were quick to follow-up with us, but we chose the one with the lowest rate. We spoke with the agent on Wednesday, and she said that the next day she'd have our official/final quote. Well, we still had nothing the next week Monday, so Mike called, left a voicemail and didn't hear back. So today he called her three times with no answer or returned call. He just called a different office and left a message explaining that we need insurance and if this agent can't help us we'll go to a different insurer.

We close on May 31, so we kinda need insurance pretty quick here. Tonight we have some loan paperwork to go through with an estimate of what our insurance should be. Wish we could have the finalized numbers in there.

Le sigh.

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