Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas Karma

This year, because I have the money, I spent A LOT on Christmas presents. So far, my total is nearing $800, and I still have a few more to go. Michael's was the most expensive, swallowing half of my grand total. I'm having an anxiety attack/buyer's remorse, because who knows if I'll have a job next month (my contract is up as of Dec. 31, and no word about a renewal). But, I feel good that I was able to provide my family with great gifts for once. Plus, I'm so incredibly proud that it's nearly all done BEFORE December! I'm typically just starting a few days before Christmas Eve.

This year I have also discovered I love baking! I made some candy cane cookies that my family loves. They didn't look delicious, but they tasted delicious! Twisting two colors of dough together proved to be difficult without tearing. Practice makes perfect, though, and I am determined to make perfect candy-cane shaped cookies for Mike's family Christmas gathering!

Monday, November 21, 2011


Starting to save money during the holiday season is just like trying to lose weight--impossible! Michael and I want to buy a house so badly, but our loan options aren't as vast as we had hoped. Since the banks stopped giving away money to unemployed folks with no financial stability, we'll need to save a bit more for a down payment. I now regret listening to everyone who told me that down payments were a thing of the past! "Nope, you don't need a down payment," every one said. "No one puts money down anymore." Lies! Now I need to start playing the lottery, and since I've inherited my mother's luck I feel as though the dream of winning will never become reality.