Sunday, March 11, 2012

Shooting Range Excursion

Yesterday my friend came to town to go shooting with Michael and me. She's shot a deer rifle before, but that's it. So, even though it was a SUPER windy day (25 mph winds), we headed to the outdoor gun range. It was pretty busy considering the weather. We started out shooting Mike's AR. That's always fun; it's my favorite!

This is my friend Mindy shooting the AR. She is now addicted! (Notice her hair being whipped around from the wind!)

This is me with the AR from a different range we went to in September. (I don't have one of me from yesterday's excursion.)

The picture of the target below is my bullseye with the AR from January when Mike and I went to test out his new scope I bought him for Christmas. He did not get a bullseye that day ;)

The range we went to yesterday is in the process of building the seven yard area for shooting hand guns, so normally we'd shoot from the 15 yard range. But, it was so busy that there wasn't a spot open, so we shot from the 25 yard range. The distance was bad enough, but with the horrible winds it was even worse. But, I just had to shoot my lavendar lady... It had been too long.

                                                                       Isn't it pretty?

I'm so glad Mindy came to the range with us, because I think it's important to be comfortable with guns. Naturally she was nervous. There are tons of things to think about--flying bullets, the kickback, misfires, etc. But she had a blast, walked away with knowledge and feels confident handling them (she even wants to buy one now). When Mike first introduced me to guns I was super nervous. I wasn't around them as a kid, so I was as far away from comfortable as you can get--simply touching one made me edgey. Shooting has definitely become a fun hobby for me now. My aim still needs some work, but who knows, maybe if I get really good you'll see me on Top Shot.

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