Friday, January 13, 2012

Woes of a Temp

I am grateful that I have a job, and most of the time I don't feel like a temporary employee, but lately this hasn't been the case. Besides always missing out on normal perks, like vacation, 401K, etc. I miss out on the cool, every day deals. For instance, to support sustainability, the company provided fancy Nalgene water bottles to its employees. Do I get one? Nope. Am I really jealous of a water bottle? Yup. Us temps also miss out on the same corporate emails every one else gets, so I had no idea we could wear Green Bay Packer attire today--including hoodies! Huge bummer for me, since that's my go-to apparel!

Being a temp also means dealing with the staffing agency. Before this position, I've never worked with one. In fact, when I got hired, I had no idea that my employer would be the staffing agency; I thought the role of the agency was to simply find companies people for open positions. You can imagine my confusion and shock reading through my "you're hired" paperwork!

While I've only worked with this one staffing agency, I can confidently say there is no one worse than the one I got stuck with. The employees are unprofessional in every way... I'm talking painting nails at the office, using the work place as a daycare for Popsicle-eating cry babies and never knowing answers to anything. They do not properly communicate with us about changes or, for instance, our checks not getting deposited. Even though they knew us direct depositers were not receiving our pay, they opted to have us call them in a panic when our bank balance was not what we anticipated. No mass emails, no phone calls to the employees or companies for which we work. Nothing.

Apparently our direct deposit system will be non functioning for the next four to six weeks while they "figure out the new process." I guess they recently switched to a new system. Personally, I would have figured out how to work it BEFORE I began using it, but that's just me. So now our paper checks are either mailed out to you three days later, or hand delivered to our office. But, since I have an odd schedule, I'm only at the office once every three Fridays. To be even more inconvenient, I live about 30 miles away from the staffing agency's office where I could pick up my check myself. I'm thankful I don't live paycheck to paycheck anymore, so that I always have a good chuck of money on reserve, but I still find it incredibly annoying. Mainly because it's them, and I had already decided to hate them months ago.

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