Saturday, December 10, 2011

Buyer's Remorse

I decided to get new glasses this year, because Michael hates my "emo" glasses (he's the only one in the world who doesn't like them, for the record). So I went to the eye doctor, got a new prescription and took home five frames to show Michael. Well, he picked out three that were "nice." OK, apparently my glasses aren't as big of a deal to him as he thinks, since he can't definitely choose a shape or style he likes. What a dumb boy. So I decide on these awesome Kate Spade ones, which are way too expensive--even with insurance. So the next day I return my sample frames and me and the optometrist's assistance search for a cheaper version of the Kate Spades. I find one I like (and the price, too!) but they are plastic and cannot be adjusted, nor do they come in a bigger size and I need them to be wider. So, I try on another pair, and I love the front shape. The arms are this weird metal cut out of little hieroglyph characters; some even look like Katakana, so I'm into them, but not into them at the same time. Whispering to myself "Michael will hate these... I just know it." He has this way of not getting my style at all, and making me really self conscious about it. Of course it's not on purpose at all. He's just a dumb boy and can't help it. 

Empowered by the weirdness of them, I decide to make a decision, and go with the "unique" ones. Why not? I only wear them at night to watch TV anyway. Plus, I was running late for a hair appointment I needed to get to (and, oh boy, did my bangs need help)! 

As the day goes by, I find myself seeking reassurance from anyone that these glasses are the best thing in the universe. I'm desperate. I showed Michael a picture of them online, and he makes it very clear that he HATES them--more than my "emo" glasses, which we didn't think was possible. I'm arguing that they're priced right, they're comfy, my hair will cover the arms anyway, I can spray paint them black (they're blue and green), the front is what matters... 

I  have never felt so badly about a purchase before! My heart feels heavy, and I'm stressing. It's all I can think about. Of course my doctor's office isn't opened on Saturday or Sunday so I cannot call. Thank God they have email, so I wrote to them asking if its possible to cancel the order. I at least had to ask. They think I'm nuts anyway , because I spent time weighing my options and took home five (instead of the allowed four) frames. And when I went in to look at cheaper options, the mean lady at the front desk let me go back to shop around and then announced to the whole back room that I was back and wanted to look at more frames (leaving out the "cheaper" part), which was followed by an unappreciated loud laugh. How rude. 

That lady is just mean! One time I walked in to pick up my contacts, and she snapped at me that they were closed for inventory counting. Can't I read the sign? (Can't you lock the door?) So I turned and walked out, almost in tears because I just wanted my contacts and was caught completely off guard by her hostility. One of the nice ladies ran out the back door and stopped me in the parking lot, asked my name, retrieved my contacts and said thank you. I love her! 

I can't believe I had so much to say about my glasses and eye doctor visits. 

"Unique" glasses (source:

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