Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween Indeed

Michael had just gotten back from the store, and we were about to head out to his sister's house. He turned off the TV like I had asked, and said, "So, since it's Halloween, do you want a trick or a treat?" I debated for a moment and finally answered with "Treat!" He told me to close my eyes, and I was sure I was getting a candy bar from his morning trip to Wal-Mart. But, when I opened my eyes he was down on one knee asking me to marry him. I was in shock. Deer in headlights. Asked him if he was kidding (as he held out a diamond ring), stared at him some more and finally said "Yes!" I was completely caught off guard, and so pleasantly surprised.

We've decided to tie the knot in about two years so we can buy a house, save up money (like we'd ever have enough anyway...) and plan plan plan! So excited for this journey!

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